As we continue to build our business, we will occasionally reflect back on some actual case studies where Greco Brokerage provided the right product for a client while saving them real dollars. With these, we’ll respect the privacy and identity of our clients while providing accurate details otherwise.
Case Study #1
54-year-old man who suffered a traumatic brain injury
A male client age 54 who is a non-smoker and in excellent health. However, three years prior to our business together, this man had suffered a traumatic brain injury which left him hospitalized for two months.
Case Study #2
72-year-old woman pension rollover / direct transfer
A 72-year-old existing female client who we we sat down with and reviewed her 403B Pension Plan account which was still being managed by the custodian and investment company she had with her prior employer before retiring.
Case Study #3
Buy / Sell Business Partnership
Three partners in a S-Corporation. There are significant age differences 56, 46, 36 all males and two of the three owners are cigar smokers and one of the cigar smokers had a heart stent procedure. They needed a $1.5 million policy on each Partner.
Video Case Studies
37-Year-Old Woman
81-Year-Old Man